Youth Tee Pee Summit 2022

The first Nations Health Consortium will be holding the first Youth Tee Pee Summit on August 16 - 18 at Poundmaker’s Grounds in St. Albert!

Registration is open for Indigenous Youth aged 17 - 25.

The event will have motivational speakers over the course of 3 days, followed by facilitator led breakout sessions. There will be nightly entertainment offered as well.

The Summit will gather young people, Elders, Indigenous speakers, and industry and government leaders. At the Summit, you will experience networking, story sharing, mentorship, social reconnection, and opportunities for jobs, partnerships, training, and education across corporate, government and Indigenous sectors.

Registration is free, meals and snacks will be provided for attendees.

Informational brochures, map layout of our event, registration forms and more information can also be found at Tee Pee Summit – First Nations Health Consortium (

If you have any questions or require further information please reach out to Project Coordinator, Morgan Reynolds at

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