5 Toileting and Potty Training Influencers to Follow Right Now
Image description: Three separate images, a child sitting on a toilet, a child jumping on a trampoline outside, and a child wrapping saran wrap around a toilet seat in a bathroom.
If you struggle to understand how or when to potty train your toddler, rest assured that you are not alone. Potty training has its nuances, and it can seem a daunting task for parents everywhere.
There is no one-size-fits-all rule to follow regarding potty training. Although the age range usually goes from 20 to 30 months, each toddler is different, and the perfect approach depends on individual circumstances. Thus, it is essential not to follow a standard method but understand the particular conditions surrounding your child’s needs (and at Qi, toilet training is a common challenge many of our clients face!)
Luckily, there is plenty of help around. These five Instagram accounts are run by potty training experts with a plethora of different backgrounds and specialties, which will give you a diverse and dynamic outlook to help you choose the best approach for you and your toddler.
Allison Jandu @ Potty Training Consultant
Allison Jandu, as featured on Good Morning America. Find her on instagram as @pottytrainingconsultant
Potty Training Consultant is more than an Instagram account—it is a community, a resource center, an advice blog, and a consulting business. Within their expertise lies anything and everything related to, you guessed it, potty training!
At the head of the team sits Allison Jandu, the owner, founder, and eponymous potty-training consultant. A mom and author who personally struggled with overwhelming and conflicting information online, she took it upon herself to support families going through the same struggle.
Within her Instagram account, you will find relevant information in visually appealing infographics and dynamic videos. Likewise, you can access many Q&A sessions to witness the doubts of other parents and an extensive collection of tips and tricks to make potty training more accessible.
If you yearn for more in-depth information, visit Potty Training Consultant’s official website. By doing so, you could contact a vast team of experts ready to advise you and create a customized training plan tailored to your toddler’s unique circumstances.
If, on the other hand, you would like to learn more introductory information on your own, there are also plenty of online courses and exciting blog content to read. Likewise, Jandu’s How Do You Poo? book is worth considering.
Other social media: Facebook – Pinterest – TikTok
Sarah Selznick @ Sensory Explorers
Sarah Selznick is an occupational therapist and parent coach with years of extensive experience in areas such as development, play, daily routines, and skill learning. This academic and practical background makes her an expert in all things potty training related—a skillset she then directs into providing resources, services, and support for parents in need.
The Instagram account is a pool of valuable resources, including item recommendations and quick tips you can implement right away. It updates at a relaxing pace that won’t saturate your feed, but the content is always valuable and enrichening.
On Sensory Explorers’ official website, you will find more in-depth information regarding potty training. For example, you will get to enjoy excellent free resources, such as a list of four ways to support toileting, as well as access to an online toileting course for parents and caretakers and the opportunity to join a 6-week virtual workshop for caregivers.
Although most of the content is available online, you may have access to in-person consultation services if you are within the American state of Virginia.
Other social media: YouTube.
Quiara Smith @ Aloha Integrative Therapy.
Aloha Integrative Therapy focuses on complete and all-encompassing pediatric pelvic health occupational therapy. Naturally, this means its first and foremost specialty lies with assisting children and families in the goal of overcoming bladder and bowel dysfunction and mastering continence in no time.
The mind behind the account is Quiara Smith, a seasoned occupational therapist with over 11 years of experience across multiple settings, eventually focusing on supporting children and adolescents with toileting challenges and other pelvic floor dysfunctions.
On her Instagram account, Quiara Smith posts relevant information, tips and tricks, live streams, Q&A, and many reels. She was also featured in Lovevery’s My New Life podcast, making her information and approach angle accessible and dynamic.
If it interests you, you can book an in-person or telehealth appointment by visiting Aloha Integrative Therapy’s official website. Other options include an online potty training course for children and families, online parenting classes, individual sessions, and pediatric pelvic health coaching.
As for free content, the blog has exciting articles with valuable information worth exploring, and Smith also promotes an Amazon page with recommended products.
Other social media: Facebook
Dawn MacConkey-Sandalcidi @ Kids Bowel and Bladder.
Dawn Sandalcidi, PT, RCMT, BCB-PMD is more than just an expert in pediatric pelvic health—she is a national and internationally-recognized therapist. In recognition of her expertise, she received the Elizabeth Noble Award from the American Physical Therapy Association Section on Women’s Health for her excellency in physical therapy for children.
Her approach to pediatric pelvic floor health has been tuned and refined for over 27 years, resulting in a program tailored for patients and professionals seeking her knowledge.
There are plenty of helpful tips and advice on the Kids Bowel and Bladder Instagram account. However, the core of her content is on her official website, where you will find excellent blog entries with valuable information regarding potty training.
Best part? The website provides a plethora of courses and entirely free E-books recounting bedwetting basics for parents struggling with either. If you aim for more detailed and in-depth information, consider her paid boot camp courses on bedwetting and constipation.
As a bonus—Dawn Sandalcidi regularly sends new information and articles to those registered in her email list!
Other social media: Facebook
Katie Rinald @ Toileting 101.
Dr. Katie Rinald, Ph.D., BCBA, is an international authority in toileting and potty training. Thanks to her academic and professional background, she has plenty of experience with children with developmental disabilities and earned a doctoral degree in inclusive education.
Toileting 101 is the Instagram account of Rinald’s project—Blackbird Toileting Services. Her posts are a colorful and visually appealing spectacle brimming with information, tips, tricks, and important reminders for parents struggling with potty training. She posts at least once weekly, so you will never run out of content without being saturated by information.
In Blackbird Toileting Services, you may find full access to a plethora of more in-depth information. The content provided by Rinald and her team includes parent coaching through Zoom, online courses, and in-person toileting implementation in British Columbia.
Before leaving, check their comprehensive and in-depth collection of toileting videos. Each is fascinating and insightful, so odds are you will find valuable data for every child, including those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.