Pink Shirt Day: Exploring Bullying and Mental Health
Bullying is a serious issue everywhere, from schools to offices, as well as at home and online. As prevalent as the problem is, however, the impact that it has often goes unnoticed and underestimated, and there is always a need to raise more awareness as kids grow up into more complicated social circumstances (especially online) than the generations before them.
This is precisely what CKNW’s Kids’ Fund aims to do on Pink Shirt Day, a day that has been recognized worldwide every year since 2007 as a day to stand against bullying by wearing pink to symbolize zero tolerance.
CKNW has funded programs impacting children worldwide, including Kids Help Phone, KidSafe Project, and Boys and Girls Clubs of Western Canada.
What is Bullying?
Bullying is a form of aggression where there is the deliberate targeting of someone of lesser power. Bullying can be physical, verbal, social or relational, or cyber (online).
Physical bullying involves physical force such as hitting, while verbal bullying is usually in the form of name-calling or making fun of someone. Social/relational bullying, on the other hand, involves social manipulation, where a bully will attempt to hurt someone by deliberately excluding or ignoring them or spreading rumors.
What is the Impact of Bullying on Mental Health?
There is a power imbalance when it comes to bullying, where the person who is bullying has power over the person they victimize. Not only can the victim incur physical injury and trauma, but persistent bullying can lead to feelings of isolation, exclusion, rejection, despair, low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression.
For victims who already struggle with some of these serious emotional problems, bullying can make their preexisting issues worse. The increased feelings of sadness, loneliness, depression, and anxiety can contribute to suicidal behavior.
What’s also important to note is that victims are not the only ones harmed through bullying - the bullies are as well. If their behavior persists, bullies are likely to end up maintaining aggressive behavior that can interfere with everything from maintaining employment to intimate relationships. The problem with bullying is that it sends the message that violence and aggression are acceptable solutions to problems, and it leads to the pervasiveness of bullying in adulthood and grown-up environments like workplaces.
Unchecked bullying can send a message that violence and aggression are acceptable solutions to problems.
While bullying in the form of physical aggression is more common among younger children, the manipulating of others is more common when children mature. And, unfortunately, this behavior is also often displayed by adults too, as they will often target colleagues for the same reasons kids might target another peer in school.
What’s more, is that coworkers who are more introverted and more likely to be bullied than someone who is assertive. Signs of depression and stress-related conditions can attract the attention of bullies, and then the bullying can further worsen any underlying symptoms.
How Can You Get Involved?
As you can see, it doesn’t matter what your age is or where you are physically located when it comes to bullying. Bullying can happen to anyone at any time, which is why spreading awareness is one of the best actions you can take against bullying. On February 24th this year, you are encouraged to wear pink as a way to show that you do not tolerate bullying.
CKNW’s Kids’ Fund raises funds to support youth anti-bullying programs that foster children’s self-esteem. Proceeds from official #PinkShirtDay items fund anti-bullying initiatives. Official items can be purchased online or through participating London Drugs stores.
A rainbow motif is also involved in this year’s #PinkShirtDay merchandise in support of LGBTQIA2+ kids and subsequent programs supported by #PinkShirtDay, including SOGI 123, which teaches SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) best practices in schools.
Remember that one of the simplest ways you can participate and stand up against bullying is by simply practicing kindness. Let’s #LiftEachOtherUp every day!
Definitions of Bullying - By (American source)
Effects of Bullying - By (American source)
6 Reasons Why People Are Bullied at Work
Pink Shirt Day - CKNW Kids’ Fund
Bullying - By Psychology Today