National Child Day: 4 Main Principles
National Child Day recognizes Canada’s commitment to The United Nations Convention to uphold and protect the rights of the child.
National Child Day is a global event that recognizes and raises awareness of the basic principles that every child has a right to be healthy, heard, and to thrive.
There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.
Nelson Mandela
Four Main Principles of National Child Day
There are 54 articles in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Below are the four main principles:
Non-discrimination: A child should be protected from all forms of discrimination, based on the child’s, parents’ or guardians’ race, colour, religion, sex, political beliefs, ethnic or social origin, language, opinion, and sexual or gender orientation.
Best Interests of the Child: Decisions that affect all areas of a child’s life should be made according to what is best for the child.
Right to Survival, Protection and Development: Children’s interests and unique abilities should be nurtured and developed. All children should be protected from harm.
Participation: Children have the right to express their opinions and be heard on all issues that are important to them.
In short, National Child Day celebrates our commitment to allow our children to experience equality, have a voice and be heard, have a choice, and to have their rights upheld.
Our children and youth should be allowed to stand up and stand out as the unique beings they are. Children have the right to play and to learn, and most importantly, to be respected and loved as each and every one of them deserves.
How Can you Celebrate and Support National Child Day?
Although events may be slightly different this year due to the pandemic and the measures in place, there is still plenty that we can do to raise awareness and celebrate National Child Day.
Take a Free Online Virtual Learning Course. For example, Calgary is offering:
Building Resiliency in Children: November 18, 2020. 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Respecting the Young Child’s Right to Connection in these “COVID Times”: November 19, 2020. 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Wear Blue: Blue is the official colour of National Child Day so adorn yourself in shades of blue and encourage your friends, family and colleagues to join in.
Share a National Child Day message by making a sign and putting it in your window, or take it with you on your daily chores or to work. Involve the kids, don’t hold back, get creative and flaunt their rights.
Share your photo on Social Media Tag @NatlChildDay and don’t forget to hashtag too #NationalChildDay and #childrenhaverights!
Follow online events:
Children First are holding an interactive digital event for children and adults on November 20 at 1 p.m. ET. Canadian children and youth will be discussing what it means to be ‘seen and heard’. Youth activists will also be chatting about children’s rights. This online event will see CBC Kids News interview basketball player Michael Linklater.
Unicef is hosting a day of action for children by children. Unicef’s day will be addressing the child rights crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Unicef is asking our youngsters to reimagine a better world.
Teach your children about their rights. The Canada Gov website provides a children’s rights activity guide with colouring posters, child-friendly information, and more.
Get Involved with your Child’s School: Parents can support their children’s education by attending and participating in extra-curricular activities and fund-raising events. Parents can also organize and participate in community activities that support the arts or science, for example.
Make Every Day National Child Day
Here at Qi Creative, we hope to have given you a few ideas of how you and your children and teens can participate in, and raise awareness of National Child Day on November the 20th.
Every day is a learning opportunity for our kids, no matter how old.
Be present, listen to their thoughts and dreams, discover their unique talents, encourage them to be the best they can be, and celebrate their awesome!
Most importantly, lead by example which is the surest way to create change in the world.
Children are the world’s most valuable resource and best hope for the future.
J.F. Kennedy