7 Disabled Content Creators and Publishers to Follow

Whether it’s a community of individuals with the same bodymind experiences as you, or you need more accurate info on equipment, travel planning, fashion and more, content and platforms managed by disabled content creators, influencers and professionals ensure disabled people speak for disabled people.

Please note that many of these content creators are geared for young adults and older (18+) and may contain sensitive and mature topics related to experiences living with disabilities.

While much of our client base is in pediatric health, it is important to us to continue to convey and share supports across a wider age range.

Below we have a few platforms, magazines, and content creators to check out:

Rooted in Rights

Rooted in Rights, a program of Disability Rights Washington, uses digital media to advance the dignity, equality, and self determination of people with disabilities.

Rooted in Rights creates accessible content and centered storytelling, using a motto within the disability community: "nothing about us without us”.

Black Disability Collective

Instagram post from Black Disability Collective

Created by Teighlor McGee, the Black Disability Collective is a space for black and disabled people to collaborate and congregate, with content visible on multiple platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. On Facebook, you must review their guidelines and identify with black and disabled identity labels to join this group.

Healing, education, resources, Q&As and more, the Black Disability Collective is a space for members to bond over each others’ experiences, share about good and bad days, get recommendations for TV shows or music, and generally serve as a representative, safe hangout space.

Able Zine

Able Mag cover

Based in the UK, Able Zine aims to increase representation for disabled creatives. The zines are available in digital PDF or print, with hundreds of pages covering interviews, images, and content across various disabled identities and experiences.

The Mighty

The Mighty is a digital community for people facing health challenges and the people who care for them. The Mighty has thousands of groups, from general Check-Ins to Rare Diseases, with over 2 million registered users.

Find a group, watch a video, read an essay on just about any diagnosis or experience that resonates with you. You can also contribute your own stories and thoughts by opening an account and becoming a Mighty Contributor.

New Mobility

Sample cover of New Mobility magazine

New Mobility is a lifestyle magazine for wheelchair and/or powerchair users, a publication by the United Spinal Association covering wheelchair culture and lifestyle.

New Mobility also delivers a newsletter twice a month and can be followed on Twitter. All current and back issues of New Mobility can be viewed online.

Cripple Media

Article by Connie Ferguson on Cripple Media

Cripple Media is a media company run by and for young (think Gen Z!) disabled contributors, and always looking for content creators to publish to.

Cripple Media aims to move conversations away from doctors, parents, and researchers to creating a youthful, impactful, and accurate lens of disabled experiences and lives.

Disability Visibility Project

Image carousel from front page of Disability Visibility Project

The Disability Visibility Project (DVP) amplifies disabled narratives, publishing essays, reports, and blog posts covering various aspects of disability and disabled experiences.

The website also has a podcast, promotes events, and runs a US-based project where disabled people can record oral histories of their experiences for the DVP.

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