11 Disability Organizations and Charities You Can Support

In Canada and globally, there are many organizations and charities that have been set up to help people with disabilities. Some of these organizations offer a wide range of services, while others focus on a specific area. In this blog post, we'll take a look at some top disability organizations and charities in order to find out how they can be helpful for you or your loved one.

Disability Justice Network of Ontario 

The Disability Justice Network of Ontario is an organization that aims to build an accessible and just Ontario, ensuring those who have disabilities can thrive and foster community through its education, research, and campaign committee. Some of their more significant projects include working to abolish long-term care and creating sustainable food justice for those communities who need it the most.

DisAbled Women’s Network Canada (DAWN)

The DisAbled Women's Network Canada has a mission to provide opportunities and leadership development for girls and women with disabilities. Their current projects include:

  • Girls Without Barriers: The project aims to address the needs of girls with disabilities and participation in girl-serving programs.

  • Do the Right Things: This program focuses on implementing and developing tools along with educational material to help employers and educational institutions break down barriers and curb discrimination.

  • Youth The Future: This project works with girls aged 15-30 to help them develop the life skills needed to transition into adulthood, including finding and maintaining employment.

Affect The Verb

Affect The Verb is a grassroots, disability-led effort to amplify and multiply the voices of the marginalized and embody disability justice.

British Columbia Mobility Opportunities Society

The British Columbia Mobility Opportunities Society provides programs and services to those with physical disabilities by increasing outdoor recreation through its initiatives. They offer both hiking and paddling opportunities by creating equipment that is accessible and adaptable for those who have physical disabilities, such as their custom access-all-areas wheelchair, which can tackle any terrain.

Disaster Strategies

Disaster Strategies has a mission to achieve equal access and full inclusion for the whole community before, during, and after disasters.

BEAM (Black Emotional and Mental Health)

BEAM is a collective dedicated to the emotional and mental health and healing of black communities. As yoga teachers, artists, therapists, lawyers, teachers, psychologists, activists and more, BEAM envisions a worlds where there are no barriers to Black healing.

Inclusion Canada

Inclusion Canada is a national charity that helps to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of Canadian society. They offer or connect those with disabilities with services, including peer support, employment opportunities, income security, legal services, safeguards in medical assistance, inclusive communities, and inclusive education opportunities.

Autistic People of Color Fund (APOC)

The Autistic People of Color Fund exists to provide direct support, mutual aid, and reparations by and for autistic people of color.

Ability Online

Ability Online is an online platform that aims to provide support and resources for those with disabilities, their families, friends. They offer an inclusive online community that is free to young people with illnesses and disabilities. It allows them to chat and meet up with people just like them, making it easier to foster community and enrich the lives of each individual.

Creating Accessible Neighborhoods (CAN)

CAN does disability awareness and disability justice workshops for businesses, organizations, events (speeches, panel discussions), and public or private workshops. Private workshops can be custom tailored (eg. Medical ableism, academic ableism)

All staff, educators, and consultants of CAN are disabled. Heather McCain, founder and executive director, is also a Doula.

March Of Dimes Canada

March of Dimes Canada is a national charity that helps people with disabilities live their fullest life. They offer many programs and services, including accessible transportation services, Aphasia peer connect and camps, assistive devices programs, attendant care services, business services, community events, brain injury services, non-profit housing assistance, medical clinics, and employment, among many other programs. Their website also features a ton of great resources for people with disabilities, their families, and caregivers.


In this blog post, we have looked at some disability organizations and charities (Mostly Canadian, some American/International) in order to find out how they can be helpful for you or your loved one. No matter what your needs may be, there is likely an organization out there that can help you or offer opportunities for you to get involved. Be sure to check out their websites for more information on the specific services they offer.


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