Capes, Masks, and Gloves: All About National Superhero Day

Superheroes have captured the hearts and imaginations of many people for generations. 

We love caped crusaders because they serve and protect the public while fighting off some form of evil. 

From Superman to Wonder Woman, these fictional characters are a solid, time-honoured favorite of children and adults alike. 

With the unseen menace of the Coronavirus and our key-workers carrying the global burden, how apt that the 28th of April 2020 is National Superhero Day.

What is National Superhero Day?

National Superhero day was created by Marvel comics back in 1995 to recognize and celebrate the fictional and real heroes in our lives. There are several ways to honor Superhero day this year. 

  • You can encourage your children, (and yourself if you fancy!) to dress up as your favorite superhero.  You could always make the outfits, or a mask as a little arts and crafts project beforehand. Obviously, in these unique times of physical distancing, you’re not going to be able to throw a full cosplay party, but you and your kids can appear at the window, or run around the garden or park in your superhero disguises.

  • You can have a Superhero Film Festival in your very own living room. Stream all your favorite Superhero movies for the evening or afternoon. So, grab your cape, get the popcorn out, and invite your friends and family to join in with a Zoom or Netflix Party. Not to mention, Disney+ does a 1 month free trial.

  • Honor and thank the very real superheroes in your life. Identify who is your Superhero and show your appreciation.  This can be as simple as saying thank you, a quick phone call, or leaving a small gift on the doorstep.  It is a great opportunity to discuss with your children and teens all the effort and sacrifice that often unsung heroes are putting into making our world a safer place.  Ask your children to identify “who are your superheroes and why?”

Who are the Superheroes in the Time of Coronavirus?

Let’s take a look at a few superheroes of our time—there are quite a few!

Health Workers

Most of these superheroes, like their comic book counterparts, will be found today in capes, masks, and gloves.

Yes, our frontline medical staff are working relentlessly to try and heal and treat those who have fallen ill with the virus, often at great risk to their own safety and personal lives. The courage of our frontline doctors and nurses is truly amazing, but let’s not forget the lesser mentioned superheroes in the health sector.  

These include:

@thefirstjoel is Jon Jon’s big brother! Joel Rivero runs hundreds of COVID-19 tests per day as Alberta director of the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Sciences (CSMLS).

@thefirstjoel is Jon Jon’s big brother! Joel Rivero runs hundreds of COVID-19 tests per day as Alberta director of the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Sciences (CSMLS).

  • Midwives

  • Laboratory workers testing endless samples

  • Physiotherapists

  • Pharmacists

  • Hospital Cleaners

  • Receptionists

  • Paramedics

  • Hospital cooks

  • Porters

  • Care Home Workers

  • Community Nurses and Doctors

Other Superheroes

There are superheroes everywhere at the moment.  They can be found in the food industry trying to meet the needs of the moment. From the long-distance lorry drivers to the shelf stackers and cashiers, superheroes are involved in every aspect of the food chain and supply.  They are the best thing since sliced bread!

We have superheroes in the education and childcare sector too. There are teachers providing online support and classes to thousands of schoolchildren at home. Not forgetting our Special Ed professionals and social workers all providing essential services to those in need in difficult circumstances. 

To those whose daily job it is to protect us from harm, made so much more difficult with lockdown to enforce. To the police, the military, the fire service, prison, and probation staff, we salute you!

To all the banks and service providers such as telecommunications, gas, and electricity.  Not forgetting our postmen and ladies, the Post Office, the waste disposal workers, and the delivery services. Thank you!

Our Children - The Superheroes

Most children and teens love a Superhero. Many will have a favourite and will re-visit comic books and films for years. However, each and every child has their own unique strengths, abilities, and talents. If we focus on these positives then we all have a mini superhero, or heroes, in our lives.

All children and teens, during these times of physical distancing, have had their worlds turned upside down and inside out too. They are often missing friends, family, school, and their favourite places and hobbies. Every day that your child wakes up with a smile, sings a little song, or makes you laugh, they are superheroes.

Take some time out as parents or caregivers to tell the young children and teens in your life which Superhero they remind you of and why. Focus on their special abilities and talents.  It will mean a lot to them and make their day extra super.

The Volunteering Superheroes

There are many very quiet, unassuming Superheroes in these unprecedented times of pandemic and lockdown. There are all the people who cook an extra meal and deliver it to vulnerable neighbours and families. There are people working tirelessly to raise money for charities and health care.  For example, the 100-year old British Veteran, Captain Tom Moore, who has raised over £28 million for the NHS!

However, Captain Tom is just one of many volunteers around the world doing extraordinary acts of Superhero proportions. These heroes are quietly supplying medical staff with free coffee, chocolate, and lunches. They are also helping out the hungry with food parcels and ensuring that the vulnerable and isolated are not alone. 

Many celebrities, including actors, comedians, and pop stars are providing free and uplifting entertainment across all media channels.

The Lockdown Superheroes

For many parents and caregivers, our superpowers have had to be developed, practiced, and fine-tuned during the, sometimes difficult, lockdown days.  Indeed, we often need five pairs of hands, eyes in the back of our heads, and the ability to transform ourselves at a moment’s notice.

During the course of a day, many must adopt the role and costume of a nurse, teacher, entertainer, cook, sports coach, bottle washer, cleaner (with special knowledge of infectious disease spread), and peacekeeper.  The demands of staying home safe could stretch the talents of our most awe-inspiring superheroes.

So, for every single person abiding by the social distancing guidelines, staying at home, protecting the vulnerable and health service you ARE a Superhero, and don’t you forget it!

A Special Superhero Day to Celebrate

This April the 28th, please take some time out to celebrate all our Superheroes, both real and fictional.  The smallest gesture of appreciation can mean so much to people and don’t forget to have some fun with it too!

For all those struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, every day that you get through, however well or badly, requires a superhuman effort, so you too, are Superheroes.

The strange realization whilst writing this is that Superheroes are absolutely everywhere, they walk amongst us from all paths of life. These challenging times seem to have brought out the Superhero in so many people and they have brought out the Superhero in you too.

A word from Joel Rivero


I have a really great team and we all know our roles and know what is truly at stake: the lives of our friends and loved ones.

It’s pretty powerful motivation when the entire healthcare system relies on you and your team, as our medical lab results inform patient care.

I feel I am only a small cog in the healthcare machine, but it is an important cog and I do my part.

It is truly amazing to see where we have come from in such a small amount of time, working together to achieve, and continue to push and innovate as we ramp up testing capacity.

We’ll do our part, and I hope everyone else continues to do theirs: to stay safe at home. We’ll all get through this.

Stay Safe, be awesome, be a Superhero!

A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
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